Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is the customer always right?

"The customer is right" thats a phrase I have come to loathe in my recent work years. So how do I come by my new rant for the moment? I was cruising one of my favorite technical sites on the web SQA Forums (great place for info on testing) and I am reading an old post in the Software Testing Interview Questions section and in one of the posted questions the interviewer stated to the interviewee "but you know client is alway right". Now in the PR game (Public Relations) I understand the need to appear to be customer focused and to actually have your customers like you so you can get repeat business but, what I can't understand from a business stand point is why companies continue to allow this kind of behavior from a client/customer to the detriment of not only its reputation but the product it is putting out. I know we have business culture of disposable employees but think what it must cost not only in morale but time and money to keep this kind of attitude around. What's sad to me is that clients that demand the "customer always right" treatment from their vendors or suppliers often treat their own customers poorly.

Lets look at this in a simplified software development model. From a simple perspective I would break the product into 4 phases, Planning, Development, Testing and Implementation and all 4 rely on each other in some form to provide a complete quality product.

Planing, now here is where the first set of problems usually arise the customer does not know exactly what they want or do they? Often requirements are worked out and approved by the client then sent off to development to be built. The problems often arise when the client starts wanting to add little things here change little things their the "wouldn't it be nice to have" comes up and poof your building a whole different product. Now sometimes the companies representative will caution a client or set some expectation of new cost or pushed back delivery date but most times its truth be damned and "the customer is always right" so the shit rolls down hill.

Development, a lot of people in the industry like to always blame the developers for crappy code or bad product releases and I am not saying they are completely wrong but... lest look at it from their view for just a second. The first set of requirements come in (we know more will come) they start to code to the requirements, changes come in, they re-code to add changes, get a workable product out for demo to the client, clients wants to make major functional changes, client management says sure not problem "the customers always right", time slips by development cant get changes done before release date on current schedule, developers are told to work later and on weekends, morale goes in the toilet and the shit rolls down hill.

Testing, theirs is a thankless job damned if you do damned if you don't. Schedule comes in for product "wow we have a whole month to test this thing!" (that may be generous but on paper they always get enough time to test). First set of code comes in (we will assume we have a test plan test cases and all) you test find a major show stopper or three a lot of little quirks and some spelling and roll it back to development, development curses the words Quality Assurance fights back on a couple issues (mainly show stopper, who knew,) marks them as fixed/as designed and sends them back, client changes mind development under the gun QA time gets cut to 3 days for a brand new build, QA implores management for more time, management comes back and says we understand but "the customer is always right", QA gets the new build works 18 hour shifts for 3 days along with development to fix any issues found, times up we got to deploy, code deployed a bug is found and QA is grilled for missing the bug by the client, and the shit rolls down hill.

Implementation, maybe the least looked at section but maybe the most critical. The client wants a cost effective way to implement and deploy the new product but neither they or the management have a clue about the expected use. Now a smart client would take the implementation teams suggestion of biggest and best to be safe but most clients say I cant afford to do what you suggest so we want something cheaper and smaller and the management says "the customers always right" and we start down our track of woes. The implementation team gets the requirements for the system from the client management, they get the hardware spec requirements from development for their software needs comes back to clint management with the suggestion hardware, the client says they can't afford the solutions it has to be cheaper, client management tells implementation its too expensive you have to come up with a different solution, implementation says that is the recommended minimum we suggest, management says "the customer is alway right" so do it, implementation puts the product in on less hardware then recommended, system fails to perform client becomes irate, no where else for shit to roll so company now takes a black eye for releasing a bad product.

Now look at this not so simple interpretation and think of how the company could have saved reputation and at least appear to show that they cared about their work force if they would have stepped back at each iteration and told the client the truth and provided them with the pitfalls of constant changes.

So putting customer service at the forefront of your business model is great but somewhere down the line doesn't the company have a responsibility not only to themselves and their share holders but to their employees and clients to say 'customer your not right"?

So is the customer always right? Only when they are not wrong.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Outraged Maybe Disappointed Yes

So I am scrolling through my usual reading sources, and on MSN I see an article about a white police officer and corn rows in his hair. The gist of this story is that a white mail police officer in Philadelphia showed up for work with corn rows in his hair and was told to get a hair cut by a black supervisor (Article). Now I could go down the easy outrage road and complain that the white officer was singled out by a black supervisor or to the writers knowledge no other officers black, white, male or female was required to do the same or how no one seems to be sticking up for this officer in how it appears to be unfair (the writer notes that their are black male officers wearing corn rows) but I would rather go down another route. First let me commend the officer in question for his professionalism so far in this matter, he did get a hair cut and he hasn't made any statements to the press so far (unlike me I would have told them to talk to my lawyer). My disappointment is in the police department this officer works for. I have worked in the law enforcement field and I would agree that corn rows do not IMHO (In My Honest Opinion) look professional on anyone in the public sector especially those in uniform but to only enforce this on one officer is a sign of poor management. Now before anyone starts saying what about my rights of personal expression, when you work in uniform in law enforcement professionalism plays a large part in your ability to do your job effectively. As I have always been told your presence is the first step in your ability to control the outcome of a situation so if you look unprofessional to the citizens your are trying to help or control your abilities can be either consciously or unconsciously compromised. So my issue is not telling one police officer to get a hair cut it's with the department not telling all officers in the department to come into standards that make the whole department look professional. So to the officer in question I hope you sue the department and force them to bring attention to the poor management of the department and to the management DO YOUR FUCKING JOB AND MAKE YOUR OFFICERS LIVE UP TO THE HIGHER STANDARDS THE PUBLIC EXPECTS...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Welcome to Cut The Krap

Hello new friends and bloggers alike this is my new blog spot to rant on anything and everything that I find wrong in the world... I am a normal everyday guy who has a wide array of views on everything from politics to sports and everything in between... My rants may get long winded and meander a bit but hey its my blog so... As far as politics, although I am a registered Democrat I consider myself more of an independent in my views... Lets examine some of those views now... I am for a strong military (loved the Reagan and first G.H. Bush years) but I also feel the the government has some responsibility to protect its citizens from corporate greed in corruption (see latest wall street mess). I feel that gays should have the right to marry or have civil unions (I don't know how marriage became a political issue as it on it's surface is a religious one) but I also believe that Businesses need to be provided a fair playing ground when it comes to foreign competition... I guess you can say I am a idealist with realistic views...

So as they say at the amusement park "you must be this tall | to ride" o wait I meant "sit back, buckle up, and enjoy the ride"